
Transformative training

Training in the corporate sector can be anything but traditional. With a solid background in innovation and entrepreneurship she brings an empathetic and differentiated approach to training. Some of her training programmes include:

For first-time managers

A two-month long training/mentoring programme for first-time-managers at ABS pvt. ltd., Mumbai.

Negotiation for sales team

A day-long workshop on the fundamentals of negotiation with the sales leadership team of ABS pvt. ltd., Mumbai.

Design Thinking for aspiring entrepreneurs

At the entrepreneur cell at NIT-Trichy.


Well-being for corporates & entrepreneurs

Online webinar on well-being at KNAV, Mumbai, for MBA students at Vangaurd University, Bangalore, and for entrepreneurs from across the globe with Social Innovation Booster, California.

Innovation and Design Thinking

A webinar on what innovation is about and the fundamentals of design thinking for over 600 participants at Sri Eshwar College of Engineering, Coimbatore.